Sunday, March 30, 2008

How to Get a Second Date With a Woman

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The first date with a woman you have met through an online dating site is the most important experience when meeting someone new and the most lasting impression. You want everything to be impeccable, but it is hard to achieve. You want the restaurant to be perfect and the movie to be good. Some things are difficult to control, however some are completely under your control. If you want to make sure you get a second date, here are some things you should remember.

Single women who are looking for a man on a singles dating sire are not going out simply to impress you or to let you impress them. They are sizing you up for a long-term relationship potential. Some things will disqualify you from an opportunity to get a second date with a woman. Here are just a few of them that will surely make a bad first impression on a woman. These are things that you should avoid by any means around women, especially the ones you are meeting for a blind date.

- Showing up wearing dirty clothes, shoes, with dirty hair or finger nails.

When you meet a woman for a first date (or any follow up date for that matter), you sould always make sure you are wearing clean clothes, regardless of what you ware doing before you come meet her. If you are working out at a gym, working on your car, doing a job that requires you to get dirty while working at a construction site, or any type of "dirty work" for that matter, you want to make sure you change your dirty clothes and take a shower before you meet a woman for a date.

You should be showered, your clothes should be clean and your fingernails should be trimmed. Your hair should be clean and styled. You should smell good, be well groomed or shaved and always have fresh breath on your date. Women place a huge importance on your overall cleanliness, and if you want an opportunity to get a second date, you should obey those rules.

- Talking Dirty to Her
You may think that the funny dirty jokes that you know and that your buddies laugh at are a great form of entertaining a woman on a date. Not. Foul language, sexual dirty jokes and derogatory sexual comments should be avoided by all means especially during the first date when you are meeting a woman for a first time after the initial introduction via a dating site.

If you use this kind of language, the woman will likely be offended. Once you get to know her better, you will get an idea of what her sensitivity toward the subject is. Then you may or may not want to use this kind of language, but until them, avoid it by all means.

- Being Cheap is a Huge Turn-Off for a Woman

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When meeting a woman for a first date you want to make sure you create a nice atmosphere. Do not take your date to a cheap eatery and do not offer to split the bill. Choose a restaurant that has a nice atmosphere. If you are financially constrained, meet your date for coffee or a drink, but make sure when you ask her out, tell her that you want to meet for drinks, otherwise she may think you are offering dinner and when you don't, she may get offended or think you are cheap.

- Being Rude to Anyone

If you are rude to anyone, a woman will not want to go on a second date with you. Always remember your manners. Woman like well-mannered, polite and respectful man.

- Talking About Your Exes

Even if a woman asks you about your previous relationships, avoid getting too deep into the details of it and the reasons for a break-up. Especially if you are still hurting from the break-up, you don't want to let your date know. She surely will not want to date someone on the rebound.

If you come off as someone who is still in love with the ex, she will not go out with you again. On the other hand, if the break-up was bad, your ex cheated on your, was a stalker, or a drug user, do not talk bad about her and do not call her names. Talking negatively about anyone, especially someone you loved send a very negative signal to a woman. She may think if she ends up dating you, you may end up hating her just the same way you hate your ex now.

How To Get a Second Date - Advice for Women

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